Commit 4f9f8096 authored by Kittisak Maneewong's avatar Kittisak Maneewong

Edit migrate company

parent d06fd1d9
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<v-layout row wrap class="border-div pa-0 my-3">
<v-layout row wrap class=" pa-0 my-3">
<v-flex xs12 sm12 class="pa-3 font-weight-bold title">
<v-icon color="black">business</v-icon> ข้อมูลบริษัท
<v-form enctype="multipart/form-data" @submit.prevent="createJob()" ref="create">
<v-flex sm12 xs12>
<v-layout row wrap class="borderbottom pa-3">
<v-layout row wrap class=" pa-3">
<v-flex sm4 xs12 class="px-3">
<v-layout align-center justify-center fill-height>
<input type="file" accept="image/*" class="input-file" ref="inputFile" @change="selectFile">
......@@ -74,6 +75,9 @@
<v-flex sm12>
<v-flex sm12 xs12 class="pa-3">
<h2 class="font-weight-bold subheading"><span class="red--text">&nbsp;ข้อมูลสำหรับติดต่อ</span></h2>
<v-layout row wrap class="pa-3">
<v-flex sm6 xs12 class="px-3">
<label class="font-weight-bold">ที่อยู่ <span class="red--text">&nbsp;*</span></label>
......@@ -166,7 +170,7 @@
<v-layout row wrap class="borderbottom pa-3">
<v-flex sm12>
<h2 class="font-weight-bold"><span class="red--text">&nbsp;การเดินทาง</span></h2>
<h2 class="font-weight-bold subheading"><span class="red--text">&nbsp;การเดินทาง</span></h2>
<v-flex sm3 xs12 class="px-3">
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<label class="caption"><v-icon small>print</v-icon> แฟกซ์. : 02-056-2088</label>
<v-flex xs12 sm12>
<v-btn small depressed dark color="red">
<v-btn small depressed dark color="red" @click="$router.push('/employer/editcompany')">
<v-icon dark >settings</v-icon> แก้ไขข้อมูล
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